My mum

Created by Alice 2 years ago
My mum. The utter most beautiful, positive, intelligent women who always had a smile on her face no matter what. The strongest and most inspirational women who never let anything pass her by and never surrendered to the limitations of MND. She was the person I got to check my badly written essays, the person I could rant and cry to, and the person who would put up with me badly belting musical songs through the house.

MND is a brutal and heartbreaking disease, but it’s made me and my family the strongest people you have ever met; and without mums constant positivity this wouldn’t have happened. 

The amount of messages, cards and flowers we have received has been overwhelming and it’s amazing to see how many people adored her just as much as we do. 

Life is going to be quite a lot harder without my mum but I’m surrounded by my incredible family and a whole lot of amazing people to make it that little bit easier x
